
Provided by Claro & Cía

Claro & Cia.’s Natural Resources Group is a market leader in advising clients in energy, mining, water resources, fish farming, forestry, agriculture, wine and other industries. Our department actively participates in mining projects, construction of hydro, renewables, transmission lines and pipelines and assists developers in their financing, partnerships and regulatory needs with respect to green-field and brown-field projects.

Our department is integrated by lawyers who have an important background in regulatory and environmental matters, as well as litigation and corporate. We provide our clients with a comprehensive service, assisting them from a mining regulatory perspective, and also in the financing, project development, M&A processes, litigations, and in the ever-increasing number of environmental cases that have arisen due to the recently created Environmental Courts and Environmental Superintendence.

We are known for counselling in complex projects from the environmental standpoint. We assist our clients in structuring their businesses to minimize legal exposure, including the potential application of environmental law requirements and act as a link with environmental auditing firms.  Above all, our practice has been designed and is oriented to enable clients to accomplish their goals, minimize failures and stay out of trouble. We are broadly known for our thoroughness, creativity and talent to pull out complex tailored strategies that will lead them to success. 

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Energy & Natural Resources: Mining

Nicolás Eyzaguirre
Nicolás Eyzaguirre
Head of Energy & Natural Resources: Mining
Band 3


Provided by Claro & Cía

Nicolás Eyzaguirre

Nicolás Eyzaguirre

Head of Department